MAGENTO, How to find Product Tax Rate OR Tax Percentage
## MAGENTO, How to find Product tax rate foreach ($productIds as $productId) { $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $productsPrice = floatval($_product->getData("price")); // Get the product's tax class' ID $taxClassId = $_product->getData("tax_class_id"); echo 'Tax Class ID '.$taxClassId.' '; // Get the tax rates of each tax class in an associative array $taxClasses = Mage::helper("core")->jsonDecode( Mage::helper("tax")- >getAllRatesByProductClass() ); echo 'Tax Classes '.$taxClasses.' '; // Extract the tax rate from the array $taxRate = $taxClasses["value_".$taxClassId]; echo 'Tax Rate '.$taxRate.' '; } ?>