
The model type is invalid. please select an item from the list ( ASP.Net MVC)

Hi, If any one face this problem, hear is one solution While creating/Add controller for Entity Framework in Asp.Net MVC3 OR MVC4 Example: As per this website Controller name:  MoviesController . (This is the default. ) Template:  Controller with read/write actions and views, using Entity Framework . Model class:  Movie (MvcMovie.Models) . Data context class:  MovieDBContext (MvcMovie.Models) . Views:  Razor (CSHTML) . (The default.) when we click on " Add" Button the application show one alert message "The model type is invalid. please select an item from the list " Before adding MoviesController we need to  built the project before proceed to this step. Click on Run Button to built the project and now add controller with above steps. I hope you problem will be solved.

How to install Node.js, npm, and use them?

1 Go to  and click on Install button,  2.. Download node and install it 3.. Create an empty folder on your hard disk      3.1) check environment path of nodejs using command prompt             a) C:\>set %PATH%              If it is not showing any path regarding node then set the environment path             b)  C:\>set path=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\nodejs\ 4.. Create an package.json file with the following content       Ex: C:\Program Files\nodejs\package.json { "name" : "App" , "version" : "0.0.1" , "description" : "App" , "dependencies" : { "" : "latest" }, "author" : "developer" } 5.. Open windows's command prompt (press Windows key + R and type  cmd ) 6.. Navigate to your newly created directory with  cd  command 7.. Type...

How to pass Magento Certification Exam in 30 days

This is from   "SMASHWORDS.COM"

Basic CRUD operations using php, mongodb and knockoutjs with validation

1) I used knockout simplegrid for table data with DELETE, EDIT action and pagination support 2) THE CRUD operations are using XHR/AJAX 3) I used Twitter Booststarp Framework. You can Download/Fork from the  basics_of_php_mongodb_knockoutjs Before trying this we need to install PHP, Apache webserver/Any HTTP server and MongoDB second download mongodb.dll file (php mongodb driver) and keep this file extension if you are using windows OS. These are JavaScript files required <!-- Just for debugging purposes. Don't actually copy this line! --> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="js/ie8-responsive-file-warning.js"></script><![endif]--> <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!--[if lt IE 9]>  <script src=""></script>  <script src="

Htaccess File Tutorial and Tips

Htaccess File Tutorial and Tips. [THIS DOCUMENT COPIED FROM  ] Using  .htaccess  file  we can easily configure and redirect Apache Web Server file system. This post will explain you how to create friendly URLs, sub domain directory re-directions and many more. Note:   .htaccess  file will be in hidden format, please change your folder and file settings to view this file.  How to Create a .htaccess File? Open any text editor application and file save as with  .htaccess  name and enable mod_rewrite  extension in  php.ini  file in Apache Web Server configurations.  Default directory Listing Disable directory Listing If you want to disable folder files listing, include following code.  # Disable Directory Browsing Options  All  -Indexes Error Pages Here error page is redirecting to  error.html .  er...