
Magento Interview Questions and Answers

Magento Interview Q & A

What Is The Universe?


Sanitize Phone no, if phone no length is more than 10 then, Remove 0, +91, 91 from phone no

Sanitize Phone no, if phone no length is more than 10 then, Remove 0, +91, 91 from phone no. All Indian phone no's length is 10 digits including with STD code /**  *  Sanitize Phone no, if phone no length is more than 10 then  */ function sanitizePhoneNo(phone){ if(phone.length >= 10) { if(phone[0] == 0) { phone = makePNo(phone, 1); }else if( (phone[0] == 9) && (phone[1] == 1) ){ phone = makePNo(phone, 2); }else if( (phone[0] == '+') && (phone[1] == 9) && (phone[2] == 1) ){ phone = makePNo(phone, 3); } } return phone; } function makePNo(val, cnt){ var a=''; for(var i=0; i<=(val.length)-1; i++){ if(i>=cnt){ a += val[i];} } return a; } /**  *  Validate Phone no with regular expression  */ function validatePhoneNo(phone){ if( /^[0-9\ \-]+$/.test(phone)){ if(phone.length==10){return true;}else {return false;} }else {return false;} }

Lok Satta Videos: Lok Satta Leader Hyma With Kommineni Srinivas Rao ...

Lok Satta Videos: Lok Satta Leader Hyma With Kommineni Srinivas Rao ...

MAGENTO, How to find Product Tax Rate OR Tax Percentage

## MAGENTO, How to find Product tax rate foreach ($productIds as $productId) { $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $productsPrice = floatval($_product->getData("price")); // Get the product's tax class' ID $taxClassId = $_product->getData("tax_class_id"); echo 'Tax Class ID '.$taxClassId.' '; // Get the tax rates of each tax class in an associative array $taxClasses = Mage::helper("core")->jsonDecode( Mage::helper("tax")-         >getAllRatesByProductClass() ); echo  'Tax Classes '.$taxClasses.' '; // Extract the tax rate from the array $taxRate = $taxClasses["value_".$taxClassId]; echo 'Tax Rate '.$taxRate.' '; } ?>

Lok Satta Videos: Short Film for Surajya Udyamam

Lok Satta Videos: Short Film for Surajya Udyamam

PHP Function to Create URLs

$url = ''; $data = array("a"=>1, "b"=>3, "c"=>''); _make_url($url, $data); /**    * Create url with url and uri    * @param url and uri data (array)  * return string (url)   */ function _make_url($url='http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $data){ $data = array_diff($data, array(''=>''));                // remove empty keys from uri data array                return (count($data) > 0) ? $url.'?'.http_build_query($data, 'flags_') : $url; }